By: Princy Narang Engaginglifethoughts.blogspot.com As this is a well known fact that life is highly unpredictable and what will happen tomorrow we cannot even imagine, thus we should try to live each and every moment of the life. We know we cannot do anything about the length of life but we can work on its width by living as if there is no tomorrow. Nowadays in this fast moving era , people keep on working 24X7 and it looks like they are living to work but it should be the other-way round i.e. work to live. There is a race going on to work and make more and more money in course of which people neglect their health and even family and they forget that money is not everything. They keep on thinking about their future and forget about enjoying in the present and due to this nonstop working and worrying about future they lose their health and thus are unable to enjoy their future too and the moment they realise this, it’s already too late. Apart from work, most ...